Public schools. This is going to be the most difficult school to break apart with science content. Yes, all public schools (in Iowa) follow the Iowa Core Curriculum for every subject, including science, but the way that each school applies these standards differs with every single one. I decided to start my search at the Iowa Core Curriculum website and break that down to see just what all of Iowa is using for science. “[Iowa Core Curriculum] moves beyond, as stated in the research report, Taking Science to School (National Research Council, The National Academies. Washington, D.C. 2007) "a focus on the dichotomy between either content knowledge or process skills because content and process are inextricably linked in science. Students who are proficient in science:
1. Know, use, and interpret scientific explanations of the natural world;
2. Generate and evaluate scientific evidence and explanations;
3. Understand the nature and development of scientific knowledge; and
4. Participate productively in scientific practices and discourse.
These strands of proficiency represent learning goals for students as well as a broad framework for curriculum design. They address the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in science and, ultimately, able to participate in society as educated citizens."
This got me thinking about the standardize tests and the amount of information that public schools have to cover because of the NCLB act, funding, and more. Teachers can teach as much as they possibly can, but when it comes down to it, do they end up teaching to the test?! I think that it really comes down to the individual school, the district in which each school is located, and the administration that run the show. In conclusion to public school’s content on science, I found a board overview of the state standards and from there, each school can take it as they want. It’s almost too big to sum up in one post. Maybe had I done my whole blog experience on science content in the public schools, I could have seen more than just the tip of the iceburg. I would say that they way public schools go about teaching science content is neither great nor is it bad, it is pretty middle of the road.
That is one thing that I am worried about when I think about possibly getting a teaching job next year. I don't want to be stuck in a school district that is all about teaching to the test. I want to be able to make learning enjoyable and not have to follow step by step lessons because the school district wants to make sure we are teaching what needs to be taught. Part of being a teacher is having some creativity and if we are forced to teach by the book for every single lesson, we will never be able to express anything interesting.