
Friday, November 19, 2010

Battle of the Schools... Round 1, Montessori vs. Private

This was a little bit harder to break apart. Both schools are similar in the sense that they both do things their own way. The main difference is the way in which they are doing all of their content, including science content. Montessori schools are students lead and driven by curiosity. Private, or in this case, Catholic schools, use the foundation of faith to tie all content together. Science is really difficult to tie in with religion, but they way that these Catholic schools are doing it has proven to work. Science is about discovery and exploration, so is the Montessori way and the whole concept of religion. But there is still a clear winner in this round…
Montessori schools allow students to learn based on discovery and experimentation. Montessori schools are setting up students to question and learn based on self-discovery, especially in science. Private schools lack in the area that science and religion can't and don't always mix. There are aspects of science that religion is incapable of connecting.


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