
Monday, November 15, 2010

Differentiation and Technology

After reading about how to differentiate in your lessons, I wondered how you could use technology to help provide additional support to your students.

I found a website that provided this helpful PDF that actually provides step by step directions on how to create different tools using technology to use with your students.
The first tool they provide is how to use technology to make pre and post assessments. They provide links to different website and directions on how to use them to make these quizzes. I thought this was quite useful because taking assessments on the computer is a good way to mix it up and keep things interactive for students. It also allows you to easily create different difficulty leveled assessments.

The next section gives many examples on how to convert differentiation strategies into technology-based activities. Putting these activities on the computer allows for students to see pictures, hear the text read to them, and use interactive strategies to help keep students engaged. These activities can be used as learning centers, or alternate activities for students.

Last but not least, the website shows you how to use technology to set up activities that help with classroom management. They walk you through the use of Anchoring Activities and Webquest's. These things are set up by the teacher prior to the lesson and provide an ongoing list of activities for the students to work on if they finish their work early and need other things to do. They do a great job of explaining how to use it, what it is, and what you can do with it. This is great for students who are more advanced and need supplemental activities. Many students get bored when they have nothing to do and then behave poorly, these uses of technology really help in managing that.

Check out the website if you are interested to get the complete step by step instructions!

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting website. I read a little bit about something similar for one of my posts. There is a lot of technology out there that can really assist teachers in many different ways. A lot of times, technology can be a very useful thing for students to work with. However, one thing I learned is that a teacher cannot depend fully on the technology. Thanks for sharing!
