
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Differentiation Virtual Presentation


  1. I like that you first defined it and then gave specific examples of how you can differentiate instruction. It is also helpful that you broke down the 3 main areas you can differentiate: content, process & product. You also adress the areas that make differentiation difficult, which are very real issues. I also appreciate your ideas for making science exciting and interesting for students.
    Very cool presentation, I have never used Prezi before!

  2. Niki-
    I like how you used Prezi. It's nice to start out with a view on your main topic and then show all the subtopics around it. I thought your presentation was very organized and easy to follow. It gives everyone a small insight into what you researched and anything interesting can be followed up on by viewing your blogs. Nice job!

  3. I have never seen Prezi before... I like it!! Its a fun way to list your main points. It is very organized and it's a cute way to present information! Great info Niki!!
